As a responsible enterprise, the Group actively seeks to practice green and environmental protection through green and sustainable finance to promote the long-term sustainability of the enterprise.
In May 2022, the Group successfully received the first three-year unsecured green revolving loan of HK$300 million with China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch. The Group intends to use the money from the loan to finance eligible green projects under the green finance framework.
This latest green finance project will help the Group expand its "green building" capabilities and move further towards achieving the sustainable development strategy goals of "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality".
In accordance with the Group's Green Finance Framework, the funds were used in related green projects, including pollution control at Huanggu Thermoelectricity (reducing nitrogen oxide emissions through improvements in heating facilities) and energy efficiency projects in Zhuhai (improving the capacity and efficiency of existing automated production lines).
Far East Facade (Hong Kong) Limited, a subsidiary of the Group, signed its first sustainability-linked loan of HK$400 million with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited in November 2022. Linked to the Group's sustainability performance, such as the ratio of working days lost and average training hours for employees due to work-related injuries, the interest rate will be adjusted to reflect the Group's socially sustainable performance. The targets were both achieved as scheduled in 2023
The green financing will help the Group implement its sustainability goals, develop internal capabilities and promote sustainability projects, and integrate sustainability considerations into its business development and strategic plans.
In March 2022, the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency issued us with the Green Loan Certification to certify that the green loans we issued met the requirements of the Green and Sustainable Finance Certification Scheme. We believe that these sustainable finance projects will contribute to the implementation of the Group's sustainable development goals, build internal capabilities and promote sustainable development projects, and effectively integrate sustainability into business development and strategic plans. In this way, we will practice the Group's sustainable development philosophy and build a better society together.