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Promoting green civilization, upholding sustainable development, and pursuing harmonic development between corporate growth, production, life, and ecological development.
To realise our corporate vision of building a sustainable environment and enhancing the well-being of our stakeholders. We have our sustainable development strategy that focuses on five key pillars. For each pillar, we have identified different key focus areas, which show our support to UNSDGs.
The policies are formulated by the Board of Directors (the "Board") of China State Construction Development Holdings Limited (the "Company"). The Board monitors the overall sustainability trend and is responsible for the Group's sustainability strategy and reporting. The Board is assisted by the Sustainability Management Committee (the "Committee"), which identifies, assesses, and manages the Group's sustainability priorities and reports regularly to the Board on progress and management to ensure the policies' effective implementation.
The Group has always been building a better society with innovative thinking and sustainable development ideas. We are committed to integrating innovation and sustainable development into our business, promoting a green business culture, and fulfilling our due environmental and social responsibilities. While we create long-term value for shareholders, we strive to foster harmonious development of both corporate and ecology.
We are committed to:
Minimise the carbon emission of our operations, identify all significant environmental impacts at early stage of our operations and ensure proper control of such impacts.
Comply with all legal requirements and integrate industry best practices in climate change mitigation, climate change adaption, and climate resilience in the Group's operations and services wherever possible.
Support innovation and technology to continuously improve the quality of our products and services.
Communicate the Group's sustainability policy to suppliers, contractors and business partners, practise sustainable sourcing and prioritise environmentally and socially responsible suppliers.
Create a safe and caring workplace for our employees, strengthen employee training and provide adequate support for employee development.
Improve our environmental performance through employee education and training.
Ensure that workplace activities are conducted in accordance with sound environmental protection rules and regulations.
Care for and support the communities in which we operate to help build sustainable communities. Encourage employees and clients to fulfill good citizenship and give back to the community by conducting volunteering and community engagement activities.
Detailed sustainable development and other related policies can be downloaded for reference
Sustainability Policy
Environmental Policy
Climate Change Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Human Rights Policy
Sustainable Procurement Policy
Code of Conduct for Suppliers
The Board serves as the highest decision-making body and the highest supervision body on sustainability issues and is responsible for the provision of strategic direction on the management of material sustainability issues and the formulation and review of the Group's sustainability strategies and goals. The Board is also responsible for overseeing the Group's sustainability issues, and for assessing, prioritizing and managing its sustainability-related risks to ensure that appropriate and effective sustainability risk management and internal control systems are in place.
The Group's Sustainability Committee is a committee of the Board, chaired by the Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer, as well as the Vice Chairman of the Board, the Executive Director and the Chief Executive Officer and three independent non-executive Directors. The Sustainability Committee is delegated by the Board to assist the Board in supervising and managing sustainability issues and the Group's impact on the economy, environment and people, including identifying, evaluating and managing sustainability priorities and reporting regularly to the Board on progress and management. The Committee is also responsible for assisting the Board in reviewing the sustainability performance of the Group as a whole and across its divisions and the approval of sustainability-related reports. For details of the Board and the members of the Sustainability Committee, please refer to the Group's Annual Report.
The Sustainability Committee has established the Sustainability Leadership Team and the Sustainability Working Group to assist in the coordination and implementation of sustainability related work. The Sustainability Leadership Team, comprising senior management of different departments and subsidiaries, is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the development of the Group's sustainable development policies and directions, as well as overseeing and reporting regularly to the Committee on the implementation of sustainable development-related activities. The Sustainable Working Group is responsible for coordinating with all departments to facilitate the Group's execution and implementation of sustainable development tasks and timely reporting implementation matters to the Sustainable Leadership Team.
Understand, review and analyze materiality assessment, risk analysis reports, megatrend report to form a list of potential risks
Define potential relevance and impact of the sustainability risks based on factors such as business context, operation, financial performance etc.
Invite department heads and senior management to assess and prioritize the likelihood and severity of each sustainability risks
Review and monitor the identified issues with high-risk levels to develop or enhance risk management plans
The Group believes that the feedback and opinions of stakeholders are indispensable for the Group to achieve a sustainable future. Accordingly, apart from conducting annual reviews, the Board actively engages with stakeholders to identify and manage the processes and outcomes of the organization's economic, environmental and human impacts. Please refer to the table below to understand the focus of the respective stakeholder groups and the channels of communication.
Stakeholder Group | Stakeholder Concerns | Communication Methods or Channels | |
The Board and Management |
Employees |
Clients and Property Owners |
Suppliers and Contractors |
Shareholders and Investors |
Peer Enterprises and Partners |
Media |
Government |
Community and the Public |
Each year, the Group engages with internal and external stakeholders through an online questionnaire to collect their opinions, which serves as the basis of the materiality assessment. In 2023, the Group continued to refine the approach in assessing material sustainability issues. 34 sustainability issues were identified based on ESG Reporting Guide, peer benchmarking, and international frameworks such as GRI Standards and SASB Standards.
Procedures for the materiality assessment are as follows: